When looking for insurance for your business, you’ll find two main types of agents out there: captive agents (also called direct writers) and independent brokers. Which one will get you the best coverage, service, and rates? Douglas Bennett Insurance is an independent broker, which we believe provides distinct advantages to our clients.
More Choice of Insurance Carriers
Captive insurance agents work for only one insurance carrier, so while they can have deep knowledge of their carrier’s products, they can’t get you quotes from other carriers. Independent agents, on the other hand, have the ability to obtain quotes from multiple carriers, which gives you a much better idea of what coverage is out there for your business and what a fair premium is.
When Douglas Bennett Insurance quotes your insurance, we send out your application to all of the 25+ carriers we work with to see who will give you the best coverage for the lowest price. And if you’re not happy with what you have, we’re happy to shop your coverage before renewal to see if one of our other carrier partners is a better fit. We can also get you policies from multiple carriers at the same time if that gets you the best deal. For example, you can have workers compensation from one carrier and property insurance from another, all with the same agent.
Works for You, Not the Insurance Company
Independent insurance agencies are not employed by the insurance carriers they write policies with; we make our money by keeping our clients happy. Our main loyalty is to our clients, so when we’re quoting your insurance, we’re looking for coverage and premiums that are favorable to you, not the insurance company. If a carrier’s quote comes back with a higher-than-average premium or has exclusions that would leave you vulnerable, we won’t give it to you. Because a captive agent is limited to their one carrier, you’d have no idea how their quote compares to the rest of the market unless you visit another agent.
In the instance when you have a claim, we’ll work with you to make sure you get the coverage you’re entitled to in your policy. We have no incentive to make it harder get a claim paid out.
Superior Customer Service
Independent brokers, like Douglas Bennett Insurance, have a dedicated account management team to guide you through renewals, claims reporting and handling, obtaining certificates of insurance, and value-add services provided by the broker and your carrier. We’re very familiar with all of our carrier partners and their processes, so you’re not alone when you need to file a claim, obtain a certificate, or change your coverage.
We are also familiar with the risks in your industry and in this area, so we will alert you to gaps on your coverage and help you fill them. At Douglas Bennett Insurance, we have agents who specialize in certain industries, so whether you’re a restaurant, a nonprofit organization, a law firm, a manufacturer, a golf club, a library, or a condo association, we have team members who know your sector inside and out. And because we’re not tied to a particular carrier, you’ll keep the same account manager even if you decide to change carriers.
Can Find Insurance for Difficult Risks
In addition to our standard carrier partners, independent insurance agencies also have access to surplus lines carriers and wholesalers who can step in and provide a quote when your business is difficult to insure. This can be because your business does risky work that a standard insurer can’t cover, or you might simply have a very specialized operation that requires a special program. Independent agents can give you a gateway to these insurance markets that a captive agent usually can’t reach.
Peace of Mind
Here at Douglas Bennett Insurance, we believe our independence helps us get you the best insurance coverage and provide you with the best customer service possible. You can rest easy knowing that we’re always looking out for your best interest and helping you take advantage of all of the services you’re entitled to under your chosen policies. Our commercial lines team would be happy to help you get started, so contact us any time. (706) 367-9954 https://www.dbennettinsurance.com/
Source: https://www.encharter.com/5-reasons-to-use-an-independent-agent-for-your-business-insurance/